Living On Your Own

Safety and Emergency Planning

Staying Safe In Your Home

Living on your own comes with freedoms but also presents some dangers. Here are some things to watch out for and what to do to prepare.

  • Fires – A fire in your home or even in your building or neighboring buildings can happen and can be alarming, even if you are not in immediate danger. A smoke detector may go off if there is no smoke that you can smell. To prepare, here are some things to know and do:
    • Know your fire escape route. These routes are often posted on an exit door or on stairwells.
    • Don’t panic when you hear a fire alarm go off. Staying calm and collected will help you think clearly and know what to do next.
  • Injuries and Medical Emergencies can happen when you are at home alone; like cuts, falls, seizures and others. Knowing when and who to call for these kinds of problems is important as you will be relying on yourself to get help when you need it.
  • Illnesses can be more of a concern when you are living on your own, especially if you are by yourself without a roommate. Know your body so that you know when to seek help during an illness.
  • Power Outages can be alarming but are not usually an emergency. If the power doesn’t come back on in a few minutes, you can call the power company to report the outage at your address. While the power company is restoring your power; reach out to your helpers for things like heat, warm water and charging devices.
  • Crime is a worry for everyone, but it can be more of a risk when you live on your own. Keeping your belongings and yourself secure is your responsibility. To help, be sure to keep your belongings inside of your home and always lock your doors when you leave or go to bed. Keep track of your key and always have a spare key. Perhaps leave a spare key with someone who you trust very much so that you can call on them if you lose your key.

Need to learn more about living on your own?