Living On Your Own

Things to know about cleaning your home

Why and how to keep your home clean

Cleaning is important for your general well-being and hygiene. Regular scheduled cleaning reduces the probability of mold, pests, and other health and safety concerns. Here are some things you’ll need to pay attention to and supplies you will need to get for keeping your home clean:

  • Make it a habit to put things where they are supposed to go… For example, always put dirty dishes in the sink or dish washer, trash in the trash can, and dirty laundry in the laundry basket.
  • Do dishes every day or two to help keep them under control.
  • Take out your trash and recycle at least once per week. Know where your building’s dumpster and recycling center is right from the start.
  • Consider setting one day of the week to be “cleaning day” – On that day, do your “big” cleaning chores… wash laundry, clean the bathroom, vacuum carpets, sweep and mop hard floors.
  • If you have pets, clean up after them immediately. Pet messes on the floor can cause lasting damage so you should remove those right away to avoid paying for repairs. Clean kitty litter boxes every day.
  • If you discover chores that you can’t do yourself or that seem dangerous, ask for help!

Cleaning Supplies To Get

Be cautious when using cleaning supplies with chemicals. Read and follow all directions indicated on the packaging. Know what your capabilities are and ask for help if you need it.

  • Rags
  • Sponges
  • Vacuum
  • Broom
  • Dustpan
  • Mop
  • Toilet Brush
  • Toilet Plunger
  • Garbage Sacks
  • Hand Soap
  • Dish Detergent (for dishes that need hand washing)
  • Dishwasher Detergent (if you have a dishwasher)
  • Shower and Sink Cleaner
  • Toilet Cleaner
  • Laundry Detergent

Next: Staying safe and secure in your home...